Settledown with us

Join our rental community and let us help you to a cozy living


We are a minor rental company highly specialized in furnished apartments, inside and outside Copenhagen

Our main focus is furnished apartments for couples and singles, but we also have bigger unfurnished apartments for families

The apartments are of high quality, and located in very central places close to city centers. They are renovated and furnished by our own team so we know all about them.  

We strive to give our tenants the best service and good experience while they live with us.

Our goal is to run a healthy business while having good relations with our tenants.    

Our service

Value for money

Our apartments are build and furnished in a very high standard

 We provide service seven days a week while you can relax and enjoy your stay

Good location

Our apartments are located in central places close to shopping, Metro and cafes

Living with us is pretty easy and uncomplicated 

Contact us